Why couples love free-range sex

THE ELEMENTS The easiest and most comfortable place to have sex is in bed, in your bedroom. So why do so many people favor having sex outside? "Sex in bed is a given, and people immediately go to sleep afterward. People don't sleep after having outdoor sex because they are too excited. —Jenifer Everything 

I do, I love to do in bed. Going outside of my bed for sex is uncomfortable for me. —Grace Being aware of change causes strong feelings. Our emotions alert us to the areas that need our attention, much like burglar alarms do when a burglar enters a home. It is possible to turn off the signaling system when we don't need to be paying attention. When something is unusual, we react by paying attention. A change cannot last for a long time because after a while, we grow accustomed to it and it stops stimulating us. A new partner typically sparks more sexual interest than a familiar one, which is another way that change increases sexual desire. In order to create intimacy, the environment—including the setting—is important. 

The most intimate sex can be had in one's own bed. I only invite people I'm in love with to my bed and want them to stay the night, a divorcee once said. I'll never allow casual or emotionless sex in my bed. Although having sex in bed is comfortable and familiar, in a committed relationship it quickly turns into a routine where the same positions are used over and over until the excitement is lost. In fact, a memorable movie shows a married couple having typical bedtime sex when the woman nods off. Vietnamese porn videos

Because outdoor sex involves feelings of risk and adventure that heighten sexual desire, there is no risk of dozing off. For a short time, having an affair with their spouse while being a "different person" through outdoor sex can be advantageous for an established couple. An exciting relationship is enhanced by this. In his humorous song Escape, Rupert Holmes sings that he is sick of his "long-beloved lady," likening their bond to an old favorite song's worn-out recording. He decides to meet the woman after reading her personal advertisement in a newspaper, where she asks for a man who likes Pina Coladas, getting wet, and having midnight affairs in the dunes of the cape. But who should come to meet him that night but his own partner, who is looking for exactly what he wants—to make love at midnight in the cape's dunes. 

What was your most thrilling outdoor sexual experience? Here are some responses to the query above: "The first time I had sex, next to the pool, with the song 'Nights of White Satin' playing, was very exciting. I quickly got married and divorced from him. "In the sea and on the beach." "From New York to Paris on a flight." "While traveling down the I-95 at 70 mph." "During an automatic car wash in the car." I had some amazing sexual encounters on the train, at the beach, in a restroom at a restaurant, in the office of a coworker, and under a pub table. "In the back of a southbound bus." "In the Museum of Art's parking lot." THE ELEMENTS "I engaged in light sexual activity in a car, movie theater, and on the beach. 

There was no romantic connection. The most thrilling sexual experience is in a shaky hammock. —Jane It's common for an uplifting sense of victory and defiance to accompany outdoor sex. Therefore, having sex at the top of a famous structure, like the Empire State Building or the Eiffel Tower, makes you feel like you're "on top of the world." Similar feelings of excitement can be experienced when having sex in your lover's and their spouse's beds. In addition to the inherent danger of being outside, one might also experience rebellious adrenaline and joy at the suffering of others. In a survey of 2,000 Americans, 76% admitted to having sex outside. Cars, backyards, beaches, hiking trails, and rest stops along highways are the most frequently visited places. 58 percent of participants said they were happier in their relationships as a result of having sex outside. About 23 percent of those who admitted having sex in a potentially embarrassing location said they were actually caught in the act, and 69 percent of those who admitted doing so said the risky experience had made them more intimate with their partner. 

The car is the location of choice for Brits, followed by a hotel room next to a window, a public restroom, and a park or wooded area. Essential Texts for Sex Outdoor sex embodies the biblical adage that "Stolen waters are sweet," along with thrilling adventure, urgency, and risk. Since it is illegal to have sex in public, the risk is higher when it occurs. People should take care not to offend anyone who may see them since doing so could cause them to feel angry, disgusted, or uncomfortable. 

People should avoid causing harm to others because it is morally and legally wrong to do so. Strangers on the train: Deep intimacy and intense desire "I grew up in Siberia and frequently traveled to Moscow by night train. I made a lot of new friends on the train at night and occasionally had sex with them. —Victoria Casual sexual encounters are frequently viewed as shallow affairs that emphasize sexual gratification. Meeting strangers on a train (or plane) can result in profound intimacy as well as intense desire. How is that even possible? Intimacy is fundamentally based on proximity and security. 

On a train, strangers are unknown to one another and will remain so after their brief interaction. It is simpler to be yourself in unfamiliar environments. Both parties are aware that they will soon part ways and stop interacting with one another. As a result, there is less chance of being hurt and more room for emotional self-disclosure, which fosters intimacy and creates the appearance of security, closeness, and trust. These are exceptional circumstances that quickly produce intense intimacy. 

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